street B
Problem description:
Street B is a new city street which links several Prishtina suburbs. It is located in the east of Prishtina and links the Hospital area, Mati 1 and Bregu i diellit. There are residential high-rise buildings along the Street B, while the ground floors are mainly for businesses (all kinds of stores), which are very frequented by the people. Its length is approximately 1 km, and there are not enough resting points (benches)
The main purpose of the benches is that average pedestrians, mostly the elderly people, can have a short rest while walking, having in mind the long distance of the street.
Proposed Intervention:
The idea of the benches came as a need to facilitate the traffic of a big residential area of the city by enabling a more enjoyable walk in a distant length.
Since the cost of the intervention is very low I chose only a segment of the Street B long 350 m. On the sidewalls of the street 2 benches should be placed, and the distance between them will be 120 meters
Proposed Intervention Budget:
Used materials: wood, while the holders are of metal L profiles.
The cost of one bench should be 50 euros. (2x50 euros, total: 100 euros)