street Xhemajl Mustafa
Problem description:
These types of tunnels are many in Prishtina, especially in this neighborhood, they are located close to each other, but their maintenance is very deficient as well as their lighting, by transforming these tunnels in scary places for crossing the citizens. This tunnel is very frequented by the people, so is necessary to highlight and to clean up, because as I said above are very scary places.
Proposed Intervention:
Why is important to highlight this tunnel?
If we want to stop the addiction and violence, we need to identify dangerous spaces and to modify them. This tunnel is necessary to put a light.
I designed to highlight this space like an illusion with six or eight lamps. With this kind of light is created one o creative space and security.
Proposed Intervention Budget:
One lamp costs 10 euros with all cables and installations, so the budget for this project is 60 euro for six lamps, or 80 euros for eight lamps.
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